1.Interpersonal Communication: Speaking and Writing
(A) Ask and respond to questions about everyday life in spoken and writen conversation. ( B ) Express and exchange personal opinions or preferences in spoken and writen conversation.
( C ) Ask and tell other what they need to, should, or must do in spoken and writen conversation.
( D ) Articulate request, offer alternatives or develop simple plans in spoken and writen conversation.
(E ) Participate in spoken conversation using culturally appropiate expressions.
( F ) Participate in written conversation using appripiate expressions.
2.Interpretative Communication: Reading and Listening (A) Demostrate an undertanding of culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual
materials in everyday context. ( B ) Identify key words and details from fiction and nonfiction texts and audio.
( C ) Infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in contextualized texts and audio.
( D ) Identify cultural practices from authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials.
2.Presentational Communication: Speaking and Writing (A) State and support an opinion or preference orally and in writing ( B ) Describe people, objects and simple situations orally and writing usng a mixture of words, phrases, and simple sentences.