We will have a Christmas party on December 20th at 9:30 a.m. I will provide a ham and rolls for the breakfast meal. Please sign up for a snack to bring to the party.
Students will have mid-term exams in Reading and Language Arts, as well as in History. They will complete a slide presentation for Science over a given topic. Math will not have a final for the semester. Students will receive a study guide for History a week prior to the exam.
Below are the scheduled dates for these tests: Language Arts - December 16 History - December 17 Science Presentations - December 18 - 19 (slide presentations will be completed at school)
The due date for Community Service hours is December 20th. Students should use the sheet provided to obtain signatures from an adult for their hours. Also, they must write a summary of what they learned from the experience on the back of this sheet.
Here is what we will be learning this week.
Religion: Students will understand why God gave us the Ten Commandments.Students are required in 4th grade to complete 3 hours each nine weeks of community service. This is a component of the Religion curriculum and will be considered a part of the quarterly Religion grade. Examples of activities include visiting nursing homes, community participation in clean-up campaigns, performing housework or errands for ill or elderly persons, altar serving, and singing in the choir at church. Please encourage your child to understand the importance of serving in our community. They will bring a community service sheet home this week to use for this nine weeks and must be completed and signed by the parent for each activity. A reflection for the three hours of community service should be written on the back of this sheet.
Language Arts/Reading: Students will have a spelling test Friday. They are learning about inferencing and finding underlying meaning behind a text.. Students will have an Accelerated Reading grade taken on their reading progress in Renassaince on Wednesday, December 18th.
Math: Students are learning about multiplying fractions. They will have home work on Monday and Tuesday this week and a test on Friday over the chapter.
History: Students will present their slide presentations on Pirates this week. They will begin their review for the midterm final exam.
Science: Students will begin their research for their mid-term exam project.
I welcome your communication with me, and want you to take any opportunity to set conference times or email. My teacher conference times this year are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 1:20-2:20. I can certainly accommodate an after school conference when necessary due to conflicting work schedules.
Thank you for giving me the blessing of your children in our classroom this school year.